Apparently he had a lot on his mind in preparation of seeing the big man himself, Mickey Mouse. Or as he prefers to call him... Mou Mou. Shortly after this favorite shot of mine was captured we were able to locate the Disney vacation channel and wowed him with the things we were going to see.
Upon arriving at Disney World we did what every family should do... we got our picture taken in front of the castle. We were very honored to have this photo taken by the artist who does the aerial shots for Disney World. Our little IPhone was very inferior compared to his lovely cameras.
Mommy had the honor of taking Bug on his first Disney World ride and we decided (for the safety of all involved) that it would be something easy and that we knew he liked. The Carousal. Daddy took the next one... the longest line but certainly the biggest smile. Dumbo.
We participated in the Street Dancing Parade where Bug got to see Mickey Mouse for the first time. No fear but we didn't get too close either. He was happy just watching from afar. He did dance with Chip and Dale for a moment or two.
We were able to add the Haunted House, and Monsters, Inc as well as a nice lunch before the clouds opened up and ended our trip a little early. All in all it was a great time for the family and we can't wait to take him again when he is a little older. For now, it satisfied Daddy's need to share the mouse with his little man.
Sounds like you had a great time!