is 26 months old~
week we added some new things to our tot trays to go along with the letter Ee. One
of the main things we focused on was eyes. We sang Head, Shoulders, Knees and
Toes and each time we came to the part about the eyes we touched our eyes and
yelled out the word. We also played a matching game with blocks and cut out eye
shapes. Bug had to match up the set of eyes and then place the blocks together.
other new activity we added was size and number sorting. These cool elephants
from Confessions of a Homeschooler worked really well with our theme as well as
had room for me to add numbers to them.

keeping with Bug’s desire to use electronic devices and mommy’s PC whenever he
can we signed him up for ABCMouse.com
Although the concepts are the same as what
he uses on his tablet he hasn’t quite grasped the concept of using the mouse
instead of a touch screen. But he is getting the hang of it pretty quickly.
He did however, have no problem finding a book entitled Big Bug and Little Bug. It is a cute little story and so funny to watch him while they read the book on the site. He doesn't understand that Bug is his nickname but he knows that we call him that so every time they say Bug in the story he looks at me and grins.
uploading the pictures for this week’s blog I discovered that sometime during
the week Bug actually took a few pictures of himself. This one was perfect to
go along with the theme and when I asked him what he took a picture of he
screamed out EYE.
for next week got off to a rocky start as we stopped to welcome Bug’s newest
cousin to the family. But that won’t keep us from finding new ways to learn. So
until then…
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