The letter M did bring us to the sweet sound of Momma. Now Bug has been saying momma for several months but as we practiced the sound of M he always followed it with momma. We also had music time this week using all his toys that music. He has drums, a piano, guitar and a tambourine which all made for a fun afternoon.
Bug discovered that not only can he put his weather pieces on the chart… he can also take them off. So our weather chart is rarely correct as he continues to take them on and off the chart.
Bug had a great opportunity to play with some other kids this week at the mall playground. I won’t share pics of other kids faces but these girls were trying to play a matching game and Bug kept running over and flipping the pieces. They were very nice and let him play along.
We used our Feelings Tot Book this week which is still a little advanced for him but he is beginning to understand that the different faces mean different things. He laughed when I told him mommy was tired and needed some zzzs.
We had a very busy week in Tot School as well as in the mission field as we launched our non-profit for Mason’s Monarchs which you can read about here. Can’t wait to see what next week brings. So until then… love and hugs!
Check out what other tots are doing with their moms here
Looks like you had a fun week. I love the feelings tot book, we'll have to do that one sometime.