Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tot School - Brought to you by the Letter M - Week 3

~Bug is 15.5 months old~

Brought to you by the letter M is how we began week 3 of Tot School. M has not been quite as much fun for Bug as the letter B since there are no balls to throw. We did some coloring and he is still way more interested in putting the crayons in and out of the holder than actually coloring with them.
The letter M did bring us to the sweet sound of Momma. Now Bug has been saying momma for several months but as we practiced the sound of M he always followed it with momma. We also had music time this week using all his toys that music. He has drums, a piano, guitar and a tambourine which all made for a fun afternoon.

This week our verse is actually my life verse so it felt especially good to share it with Bug throughout the week.

Bug discovered that not only can he put his weather pieces on the chart… he can also take them off. So our weather chart is rarely correct as he continues to take them on and off the chart.
We graduated from straws to small shapes to put in his creamer container which he seemed to enjoy much more than the straws. I still need to get him some normal straws to use so he can continue to build his skills.
The pom pom sorting tray has become his favorite Tot School item. Every time we go into his classroom that is the first thing he pulls off the shelf. Using the spoon has really helped with him using a fork at dinner time.

Bug had a great opportunity to play with some other kids this week at the mall playground. I won’t share pics of other kids faces but these girls were trying to play a matching game and Bug kept running over and flipping the pieces. They were very nice and let him play along.
We used our Feelings Tot Book this week which is still a little advanced for him but he is beginning to understand that the different faces mean different things. He laughed when I told him mommy was tired and needed some zzzs.

We had a very busy week in Tot School as well as in the mission field as we launched our non-profit for Mason’s Monarchs which you can read about here. Can’t wait to see what next week brings. So until then… love and hugs!
Check out what other tots are doing with their moms here

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tot School "B continued" - Week 2

~Bug is 15.5 months old~

In week 2 of Tot School we continued to work with the letter B. Bug loves to point out his “B is for ball” knowledge. He particularly liked that his coloring sheet had a picture of a ball. Bug hasn’t quite grasped the concept of coloring but he does like to pull the crayon out of the holder and then try to get it back inside.
This week we added some transferring skills with trying to place pom poms into a small ice tray. Bug did pretty well with this considering it was really small ice tray (but it was cute and bright green.) He has been working on the straws for a few weeks now, even before we officially began Tot School, so we may use a smaller container next week.

We got a really neat butterfly puzzle that has different shapes and colors and Bug loves to play with it. However at this particular time he felt that the pieces would be better inside a box that I was planning to use for some storage.
When that didn't suit his needs he decided that the box would be better used as a car. This is where I wish I had a video camera ready as he got into the box and started scooting along making car noises. Not really part of Tot School curriculumn but it was so precious.

During one of our shopping trips we came across this bean bag chair that has balls on it and Bug took the time to point that out to me. Luckily it was on sale and so I got it for him and he now uses it during reading time.

We continue to learn from each other and adapt according to Bug's desire to learn and what he considers fun.  So until next week love and hugs!
Check out what other tots are doing with their moms here

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tot School - Week One

~Bug is 15 months old~

Week one of Tot School was a lot of fun. In anticipation Bug has been watching me set up our office/classroom for about a month now. Finally he was able to get inside and actually play with all the cool things he has seen.

Here he is trying to decide which one he should play with first… the stacking bowls won. He prefers to make them into balls instead of actually stacking them. Bug figured out which ones would link together but didn’t quite understand why the big bowls wouldn’t fit inside the smaller ones.

Now this I thought was just a fluke… here he is with a stacking and counting toy that also uses colors. He picked that blue one up and put it right on the blue peg. Later in the week I asked him if he could bring me his blue ball and sure enough… he went and got every blue ball in the basket.


Our letter this week was the letter B. We went through the house talking about all the blue things and Bug placed his B into the leapfrog toy so that he could play it over and over again.  No pic for this :(

Ok I admit I colored the butterfly... I couldn't help it!

Even though Bug is still a little young to understand the concept of what the weather is outside, we still discussed it each morning. He particularly likes opening the blinds and placing the cards on the sign no matter what the weather is like.

Well until next week… love and hugs!