Monday, April 2, 2012

One day at a time....

~Bug is 21.5 months old~

A combination of Spring Break travel and a pretty nasty fall the last couple of weeks have been more casual play than Tot School time. We had great intentions and packed a whole bucket of travel Tot School items. Bug enjoyed his color puzzle and is getting better at identifying colors other than his favorite “beu.”

During our travels we got to spend some time in the pool (for obvious reasons there are no pictures) and we taught Bug how to kick to propel him forward. I’m not sure who enjoyed it more… us or the older couple watching from the deck.

Bug enjoyed this shape sorting lap book. The only shape he is having a hard time with is the triangle. He did get bored really quickly with this but was able to move through it pretty fast so it may be time to move on to something a little harder.

We enjoyed spending some quiet reading time together. Bug gets excited when I tell him it’s story time and will gladly climb up next to me in anticipation.

We also correctly identified the letter 'O' this week. Albeit to correct mommy who was trying to retrieve the letter 'Q' from Bug's hand. Each time I asked him to give me the letter 'Q' that he was holding. He just looked at me and squealed ohhh. After a few times of this he finally handed me the letter he was holding and it was the 'O' - oops mommy was just a tad embarrased but "Ohh' so proud. :)

This week’s favorite picture came from our tip to see Veggie Tales Live. Here is Bob (aka Daddy) and Larry Boy all prepared for curtain time. Bug really enjoyed sharing this experience with his daddy.

We are all doing much better and are excited to get things back to normal next week. So until then…

Check out what other tots are doing with their moms here

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