~Bug is 20 months old~
Week 20 – where has the time gone? We introduced some new things this week in Tot School. The first new introduction was water paint. Bug LOVED painting the letter Aa as we talked about things like apples and anteaters. We also introduced play dough – although apparently more got into his mouth then we originally thought. This one might be put back on the shelf for a while.
We took advantage of a nice day and took a field trip to the zoo. We also got a chance to take Bug’s cousin with us and together they enjoyed looking at all the animals. We even got a chance to see the aforementioned anteater. (Not a good picture since he kept turning his backside to us)
Thanks to The Activity Mom we have a new color sorting game. Of course, we started with orange and blue (Go Gators) and although it took a little prodding Bug quickly picked up the concept.
This cool little train brought lots of smiles while we learned how to spell his name. Bug brings the train to me often and will put his finger in my hand so that I can help him pick out the correct letters.
If you haven’t had a chance to explore feelings with your child then you are missing out on so much fun. We tried using Bug’s feelings lapbook but he preferred practicing the faces in his book.
Lots of fun on the horizon… so until then.
Check out what other tots are doing with their moms here