Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Week 21 - Learning is Fun

~Bug is 20.5 months old~

Had a house full of sickness the last couple of weeks but we still got in some Tot School time. We picked up this really cute rug for our classroom. It has balls (Bugs favorite) and helps with the counting we are working on. It also provides a little warmth on the tushy during the cold months.

We have some really good friends and one of them picked up a gift for Bug. Thanks Ms. Shelba. There was a sorting bucket and stacking/nesting cups. Bug now loves to stack up the cups and then slowly walk into them and watch them fall over. The two gold pieces in his hand are coins that can be dropped into three of the buckets and if they are lined up correctly it will drop all the way through. It’s a little challenging, even for mommy. J

We finally found a tray for Bug to use when he isn’t sitting at his table. It was Cars or Elmo and he picked “vroom” and of course the “boo” (blue) one. Here is putting the tray to good use while he works on his screws. He has gotten very good at putting them together so we have started mixing the bolts up so that it is now also a color sorting game. He quickly learned that only the same color ones can go together.

The Let’s Look book from Baby Einstein’s gets a lot of use these days. The food items Bug can pick out pretty quickly. When he finds what he is looking for he gets so excited. . The difficulty level is a nice range so he will be able to use this for quite some time.

Daddy time is so precious these days. Here Bug and daddy had just finished playing and were taking a time out to rest. Bug loves to watch Veggie Tales on daddy’s iPhone. Truth be told he likes to do anything with daddy’s iPhone. Maybe there will be an iPad in Bugs future as there are so many fantastic learning apps available.  

Can’t wait to see what next week brings… so until then.

Check out what other tots are doing with their moms here

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week 20 - What a ride?

~Bug is 20 months old~

Week 20 – where has the time gone? We introduced some new things this week in Tot School. The first new introduction was water paint. Bug LOVED painting the letter Aa as we talked about things like apples and anteaters. We also introduced play dough – although apparently more got into his mouth then we originally thought. This one might be put back on the shelf for a while.


We took advantage of a nice day and took a field trip to the zoo. We also got a chance to take Bug’s cousin with us and together they enjoyed looking at all the animals. We even got a chance to see the aforementioned anteater. (Not a good picture since he kept turning his backside to us)

Thanks to The Activity Mom we have a new color sorting game. Of course, we started with orange and blue (Go Gators) and although it took a little prodding Bug quickly picked up the concept.

This cool little train brought lots of smiles while we learned how to spell his name. Bug brings the train to me often and will put his finger in my hand so that I can help him pick out the correct letters.

If you haven’t had a chance to explore feelings with your child then you are missing out on so much fun. We tried using Bug’s feelings lapbook but he preferred practicing the faces in his book.


Lots of fun on the horizon… so until then.

Check out what other tots are doing with their moms here

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Week 19 - Cold Weather while under the Weather

~Bug is 20 months old~

This week was a toughie. Through a destructive attitude and a horrible cold we got very little done in the terms of Tot School. We did get a chance to play with Bugs stacking pegs and actually got a few of them in the right color section.

We also got some reading in with his hard books as well as some nice Bible stories.

Mom’s favorite this week: Due to the cold weather and Bug not feeling well there was a lot of snuggling this week.

Check out what other tots are doing with their moms here